"Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Gender roles!

We are tremendously sorry to have not posted this video in time but when holidays kicked in we completely forgot about posting it! We are quite ashamed of what we did (more of what we didn´t do!) but we promise to keep in track and post everything on time from now on.
Please enjoy our little video!

Here are some more questions that could be found in our survey :

Who is in charge of the finances of the household?

When it comes to decide how much money is spent the couple works together and share their thoughts but they keep separate personal bank accounts.

Who gets home from work first?

In depends on the day but it´s usually her to gets home first. Only 30% of our inquired males state to get home first than their wives.

Who spends more time in the house?

Definitely the woman. In 70% of our studied surveys, women spend more time at home than the men.


4 comentários:

  1. Hi students

    I finally got some time to see your digital product, seems fine to me ! You were able to show that gender roles are changing for the better ! As for cooking, don't really know if it's something so shared by men and women in Portuguese society...

  2. Hi group two

    I liked the survey a lot. Cooking is shared? That is good and quite a surprise. Things seem a little unequal with cleaning but then the men do the DIY.

    I liked the reasons that they gave for the division of chores, people following traditions from before! Discrimination is less, that’s fantastic. Less stereotypes too, that’s good. But who has changed your mentalities? Do both sexes agree that these changes are good?

    Do you think that the equality you have now when you are at school will last to when you are all married and working? Or perhaps then older stereotypes will appear again.

    Girls ask the boys if they will want to change nappies!!

    I liked the video a lot and the commentaries were very well done, clear and easily understandable.

    Well done.

  3. Hello Portuguese group!

    The video is very interesting but difficult to understand a bit (it may be our English level ... ;) ).

    It seems that in your society there isn't much discrimination between sexes. Cooking is usual in your country between men and women. On the other hand in my country this is still unusual.

    Kisses and hugs!!!! :)
    Laura Garcia, Cristina, Míriam and Laura Santamaria

  4. Like that very much :)
    You have a very good English!
    Greetings from Germany and a happy New Year,
    representative for VAGAB GROUP 3 GERMANY
